Understanding Substance Use & Treatment
From 28-10-2019 12:00 PM
To 28-10-2019 4:30 PM

This module is for any young person aged between 16-25 years who is currently using drugs and/or alcohol and is seeking to reduce or cease their use.


  1. Developing an understanding of and applying key concepts and frameworks of substance use and its treatment eg. Patterns of use; Stages of change; Lapse/Relapse, Harm minimisation.
  2. Developing an individual substance use formulation.
  3. Gaining an understanding of maladaptive coping through substance use.
  4. Identification and implementation of strategies/interventions helpful in reducing harms specific to your substance use.

On completion:

 Participants will receive a certificate of recognition for:

  1. Gaining greater insight around the use and treatment of alcohol and other drugs.
  2. Exploring strategies/interventions aimed at reducing harms specific to their individual patterns of use.
  3. Developing an individualised Lapse/Relapse Prevention Plan.

How to enrol: Book an appointment with your GP to request a referral letter addressed “to the Psychiatrist of the Recovery College” and this can be sent to the Emotional Health Unit via email: EHU.Private@mater.org.au

An appointment with a Psychiatrist will then be arranged to organise enrolment into relevant modules.

Cost: This module can be funded by private health insurance. The Emotional Health Unit will do a health fund check and let you know if you are appropriately covered. Modules can also be self-funded, please contact the Recovery College at the Emotional Health Unit to discuss further.


Recovery College, Level 7, Salmon Building.