Sr Angela Mary RSM is recognised for her contributions to Queensland healthcare, and Mater Foundation launches under her stewardship.

In 1989, Sr Angela Mary RSM was named Queenslander of the Year in recognition of her significant contribution to Queensland's healthcare landscape. She served as Administrator of the Mater hospitals for 22 years.

On 14 April that year Mater Hospitals' Trust (now called Mater Foundation) was launched under the stewardship of Sister Angela Mary, to raise community support to fund research projects, capital works and medical and research equipment. She would go on to serve as Executive Director from 1993 to 1997, serving on the Board until 2003. 

The Mater Special Events Committee was also established in 1989 by Betty McGrath, a long term Mater supporter.

Mater would like to acknowledge Helen Gregory, author of Expressions of Mercy. Mater has used information, as appropriate, from this publication to support the creation of this content.