Healthy ageing with Mater at Home

We are passionate about assisting people to maximise their independence and enjoyment within their home, and improving quality of life for those living in residential aged care facilities.

Mater at Home can assess your home environment for hazards or risks and advise on modifications to enable the safe enjoyment of your home. Our team can also help you to get the modifications or equipment you need. As your needs change, we can work with you to make the necessary changes required so that you can maintain your independence.

We work closely with family members, carers, referrers, GPs, hospitals and other community services to provide comprehensive care. Our team include nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, dietitians, speech pathologists, social workers and psychologists.

Some common reasons for referral can include recent falls (or fall-prevention activities), reconditioning following extended hospital stays, joint replacement rehabilitation, cognitive decline, carer stress, future planning and referral to community services.

Tips fo healthy ageing

Healthy ageing means having the strength and stamina to do the things you love, even as you grow older. By establishing healthier habits, you will be able to live comfortably and enjoy your life well into retirement: 

  • Eat well
  • Exercise
  • Practise mindfulness
  • Sleep well
  • Be active and find hobbies you enjoy.

Supported programs

Mater at Home currently supports the following programs:

When more support is needed

Home Care Packages

If your care needs are more complex, you may be eligible for Home Care Packages (HCP) support. This is a government funded program to support older people to continue living in their own home, by providing access to a variety of services, such as personal care, nursing, allied health, home modifications, transport, social support and assistance with household tasks.

Mater at Home can partner with HCP package providers to deliver clinical nursing and allied health services. If you would like us to be involved in your care plan, please speak to us to make arrangements with your provider. 


Residential Aged Care Facilities - Placement Support

When home is no longer a safe or viable option, a residential aged care may be the best option for you or your loved one’s overall health and wellbeing.

To be eligible for residential care, the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) must assess a person's health and functional ability. Based on the outcomes of the assessment, you may receive approval to enter residential care and plans can be arranged from there.

We appreciate the process can be stressful and overwhelming—particularly if it occurs in a sudden—so we have a dedicated service to support you through this transition.

Mater offers a dedicated Aged Placement Service to help facilitate the conversations and decisions, guiding you through each and every step.

Mater Aged Placement Services

Our aged care placement and advisory experts are here to support you and your loved ones transiton into aged care facilities, with compassion and understanding.

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For more information

Looking for more information? Our team are here to answer your questions and advise on the best care options for you and your family, including when a referral may be needed. Please contact our team and we'll tailor a treatment plan for you.

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What we do

Mater at Home has so many different services—we’re here to support you through your healthcare journey. Find out more about what we do.

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Identifying the risk of frailty

Frailty occurs from a combination of de-conditioning and acute illness on a background of existing functional decline and is often under recognised.

People with frailty have 2 to 3 times the health care utilisation of their non-frail counterparts and experience higher morbidity and mortality, as well as lower quality of life. Their carers can also experience high levels of stress. Frailty can affect up to 25% of people aged 70 and over.

Many of the causes of frailty can be managed and, in some cases reversed highlighting the importance of identifying older people who are living with frailty.

Click here to download the Frail Scale self assessment tool