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Dr Admire Matsika

Professional membershipsISUP, ANZPPG, FRCPA
Clinical Interests

Anatomical Pathology: Uropathology, Placental, Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology, General Histopathology


Dr Admire Matsika MBChB, FRCPA is a consultant Specialist Anatomical Pathologist and completed his primary medical degree overseas in 2000.

After 10 years clinical practice in Africa, Essex (UK) and South East Queensland, he joined the Queensland Anatomical Pathology training programme in 2010, where he worked as a registrar in several public hospital and private pathology laboratories within Brisbane. He was awarded fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists Australasia in February 2015 after which he worked as Staff Specialist in Paediatric, Fetal and Perinatal Pathology for Lady Cilento Children's and Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospitals before joining Mater Pathology.

Dr Matsika has a special interest in General Histopathology, Uropathology and Perinatal Pathology. His research interests include application of novel molecular techniques including next generation sequencing in perinatal pathology; stem cell markers and molecular pathways in genitourinary cancers as well as tattoo-related dermatological complications.

Dr Matsika is affiliated with the Mater Research Institute (MRI) and has a number of ongoing research projects, publications, and statewide presentations in the aforementioned fields of interest. He is keen on medical student and registrar teaching and is an Associate Senior Lecturer with the University of Queensland's Faculty of Medicine.

Dr Matsika is a member of the International Society of Urologic Pathologists (ISUP) and the Australian and New Zealand Paediatric Pathology Group (ANZPPG).