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Dr Albert Jung

Professional membershipsHBSc, MBBS, FRANZCOG, MRMed

Dr Albert Jung is a compassionate, competent and caring gynaecologist.  His area of speciality is in advanced laparoscopic gynaecological surgery having completed the AGES Laparoscopic Fellowship.

Albert grew up in Toronto, Canada before moving to Brisbane for his medical studies.  After graduating from the University of Queensland, he completed his specialist training while working at three major tertiary level hospitals (Gold Coast University Hospital, Mater Mothers’ Hospital, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital).  He chose to further advance his laparoscopic surgical skills by undertaking the two-year AGES Laparoscopic Fellowship with Dr Tal Jacobson, Dr Michael Wynn-Williams and A/Prof Anusch Yazdani.

Albert’s interests lie in treatment and management of endometriosis, abnormal uterine bleeding, pelvic pain, uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts.  He has completed his Masters in Reproductive Medicine through UNSW.  He manages complex pelvic pain with medical and surgical techniques including pelvic floor botox and in conjunction with a multi-disciplinary team.

He is a reviewer for the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ANZJOG), serves as a Senior Lecturer and mentor for the University of Queensland Medical School.  He is passionate about teaching junior medical staff and in particular is involved in workshops aimed to improve surgical skills and pelvic anatomy.

Practice location
Eve Health Spring Hill Level 1, Boundary Court55 Little Edward StreetSpring Hill4000 QLD