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Dr Andrew Strahan


Dr Andrew Strahan is a Urologist and Fellow of the Australasian College of Surgeons. Dr Strahan completed his science and medical degrees at the University of Queensland, before completing his specialty training in Urology at local hospitals such as the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, the Princes Alexandra Hospital, and the Gold Coast University Hospital.

Having gained his Australian Urology Fellowship, Dr. Strahan furthered his training with two international Feloowships. Firstly in England, undertaking the Robotic Pelvic Oncology Fellowship at the Royal Surrey County Hospital; followed by a Uro-Oncology Fellowship in Vancouver, Canada.

Dr Strahan works with the team at Bayside Urology, and is committed to providing personalised care to the Bayside community.

Practice location
Bayside Urology Suite 1/16 Weippin StCleveland4163 QLD