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Dr Andrew Swayne

Clinical Interests

Dr Swayne’s clinical interests include multiple sclerosis, neuroimmunology, stroke medicine and general neurology such as headache, movement disorders and epilepsy.


Dr Swayne completed his neurology training with experience through the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Gold Coast University Hospital and the Princess Alexandra Hospital. During this training Dr Swayne gained experience in the management of a wide range of neurological disorders. Additionally, Dr Swayne undertook a clinical fellowship in neuroimmunology and multiple sclerosis through the Princess Alexander Hospital. This was combined with work towards his PhD thesis studying autoimmune encephalitis in Queensland.

Dr Swayne’s medical degree was obtained through the University of Queensland with first class honours. Prior to studying medicine, Dr Swayne completed a dual degree in science and law also through The University of Queensland.

Dr Swayne’s clinical interests include multiple sclerosis, neuroimmunology, stroke medicine and general neurology such as headache, movement disorders and epilepsy. He works in both the MS and stroke clinics at the Mater.

Dr Swayne combines his clinical work with a strong interest in research with a focus on improved patient outcomes in both multiple sclerosis and other neuroimmunological conditions such as autoimmune encephalitis and myasthenia gravis. The current focus of this research is utilising collaborative multimodal approaches including advanced magnetic resonance imaging and laboratory-based techniques to better study neurological disorders.


B.Sci, LLB (Hons), MBBS (Hons I), FRACP

Practice location
Brisbane Neurology Suite 3, Level 3, Salmon Building537 Stanley StreetSouth Brisbane4104 QLD Get Directions