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Dr Fiona Dalzell

Professional membershipsMBBS (Qld), FRANZCOG
SpecialtyGynaecology, Obstetrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Clinical Interests

Obstetric medicine and high risk obstetrics

Delivers at
Birthing OptionsAntenatal midwifery care,Midwifery care during pregnancy, labour and after birth,Pre-pregnancy planning and advice, Supports vaginal birth after caesarean
On call group informationDr Dalzell is part of a shared on-call roster staffed by like-minded female obstetricians part of the River City Obstetric Group

“To support families during this time of their lives is a privilege” - Dr Dalzell

Dr Fiona Dalzell is an experienced obstetrician who is patient, understanding and flexible. Dr Dalzell has been practicing at Mater Mothers’ Private Brisbane since she entered private practice, as she believes the Mater’s unique ability to care for all women at all stages of their pregnancy, reflects her own views on pregnancy and birth - that each woman’s journey is unique and should be treated as such.

Dr Dalzell uses her breadth of experience to create plans for her patients that are suitable for their individual pregnancy and individual needs. She is also part of a unique on-call system, where she works alongside five other like-minded female obstetricians to offer another layer of service and reassurance to her patients.

Married, with two adult children, Dr Dalzell participates in triathlons in her spare time, and is passionate about her charity work and helping to improve medical care in rural Queensland.

Practice location
Practice Location 1Mater Private Clinic, Suite 4.03 550 Stanley StreetSouth Brisbane4101 QLD