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Dr Gillian van Iddekinge

Professional membershipsFRANZCOG, FCOG
SpecialtyObstetrics and Gynaecology
Clinical Interests

Recurrent pregnancy loss

Delivers at
Birthing OptionsAntenatal midwifery care,Pre-pregnancy planning and advice, Supports vaginal birth after caesarean

“Trust an experienced Obstetrician with your antenatal care, birth and postnatal care. You need to feel comfortable and well cared for.” - Dr Gillian van Iddekinge

A specialist Obstetrician Gynaecologist, Dr Gillian van Iddekinge is part of the Moreton Bay Obstetrics and Gynaecology practice operating from the Mater Specialists Suites at Mater Private Hospital Redland. With a true group practice model, Dr van Iddekinge works with Dr Michael Mastry - they share patients and co-manage their pregnancies and births, attending 100% of all antenatal visits and 100% of all labour and births.

Dr van Iddekinge received her initial training in South Africa, where she was fortunate to be exposed to a wide and varied range of obstetrics, including many rare and complex conditions. She brought this experience to Australia in 2002, where she initially worked in Mackay before moving to Brisbane. Dr van Iddekingge is also a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

Her late husband was also an Obstetrician, and they have three adult children now living on three different continents. She loves to read, travel and spend time with her family - which usually involves a lot of travel!

Practice location
Moreton Bay Obstetrics and Gynaecology Mater Specialist Suites, Suite 11-12Weippin StreetCleveland4163 QLD