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Dr John Liu

Clinical Interests

Gastrointestinal, breast, gynaecologic and skin pathology


Dr John Liu obtained his Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery at University of Melbourne in 2009.

He completed his anatomical pathology training in Sydney and Brisbane, obtaining his fellowship with the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia in 2016.

During pathology training Dr Liu was interested in research and was attached to Prof Sunil Lakhani's laboratory at the University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research. Since obtaining his fellowship, he has commenced a PhD project at Queensland Institute of Medical Research Berghofer, examining the genetic changes which lead to colorectal cancer. 

Dr Liu holds a part-time appointment at Mater Pathology and has an interest in gastrointestinal, breast, gynaecologic and skin pathology. He is also actively involved in registrar education and training.