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Dr Kenny Rao

Professional membershipsFRACS
Clinical Interests

Prostate, bladder and kidney cancers, Robotic & Laparoscopic surgery, stone disease and benign prostatic hyperplasia.


Kenny is a Mackay and Townsville based Urologist, Australian trained and a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. He sees adult patients with a broad range of Urological conditions. He has a subspecialty interest in Urological cancers, minimally invasive and robotic surgery, kidney stone disease and benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Growing up in Melbourne's eastern suburbs, Kenny graduated from the University of Melbourne and trained at Austin, Monash and Box Hill Hospital before completing a general and Robotic Fellowship at St Vincent's Hospital and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.

Kenny has performed over 5000 endoscopic surgeries for kidney stones and prostatic enlargement and has extensive experience with TURP, laser stone surgery, UroLift, Greenlight laser PVP, penile curvature corrective surgery and vasectomy. He is also the highest volume fully accredited Da Vinci™ Robotic Surgeon at Mater Pimlico Townsville.

Kenny is well published in international peer reviewed scientific journals and won the Villis Marshall prize for his research on kidney ischaemia reperfusion injury. He has written a book chapter on haematuria and has been an invited speaker at the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand (USANZ), American Urologic Association (AUA), and European Association of Urology (EAU).



Practice location
ICON Cancer Centre Mackay 148 Sams RoadNorth Mackay4740 QLD