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Dr Nadia Maqboul

Clinical Interests

Interventional Endoscopy


Dr. Nadia Maqboul completed her medical degree at the Royal Free and University College Medical School, London. During her time in the UK, Dr. Maqboul also gained a BSc with Honours and a Masters Degree in Public Health.  This subsequently led to a research project looking at the role of genetic counselling in genetic diseases associated with consanguineous marriages. The results from this research not only resulted in Dr. Maqboul being awarded a prestigious scholarship prize, but also led to some changes in health-care provision at a local level.

Dr. Maqboul spent time working as a junior doctor at the Royal Free Hospital in London prior to moving to Melbourne.  It was there that she completed her Basic Physician Training and Advanced Training in Gastroenterology. She was selected from her peers to be awarded the ‘Inaugural Neville Yeomans Prize’ for her clinical research during this time.  Her research has been presented at international and local meetings.  In addition to her Gastroenterology training, she was also part of a senior committee responsible for the training and ongoing education of junior doctors.  Dr. Maqboul is dedicated to the education of the future generation of doctors.

Dr. Maqboul moved to Queensland after being offered a two-year Fellowship position in Interventional Endoscopy at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane.  She spent this time gaining experience in various advanced endoscopic procedures.  Dr. Maqboul has a special interest in Interventional Endoscopy. She carries out multiple procedures including upper GI Endoscopy; Colonoscopy (including National Bowel Cancer Screening); EMR of large colonic polyps; Endoscopic Ultrasound and ERCP.   

Dr. Maqboul provides consultative services at endosQ covering all aspects of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, in addition to endoscopic procedures.

Dr. Maqboul will be located at our Brisbane and Mackay offices on a regular fortnightly basis and will be available for both consultation and endoscopic assessment.

Practice location
EndosQ Mater Medical Suites, Suite 16 76 Willetts RoadNorth Mackay4740 QLD