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Dr Ramesh Iyer

Professional membershipsFRACS, BreastsurgANZ
SpecialtyBreast and Endocrine Surgery, General Surgery
Clinical Interests

Oncoplastic breast surgery and endocrine surgery


Dr Ramesh Iyer attained his fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS) in 2008. His sub-speciality interest is in Oncoplastic breast surgery and endocrine surgery. This involves Breast cancer surgeries, mastectomies, various mammoplasty techniques (level 2 oncoplasty) as part of breast cancer excisions, clinically indicated reduction mammoplasties with nipple repositioning (breast lift) and implant based reconstructions post cancer surgery. He also performs endocrine procedures such as thyroidectomies and parathyroidectomies.

He has a broad range of general surgical practice, performing laparoscopic hernia repairs, complex hernias needing component separation techniques, laparoscopic  cholecystectomies, bowel surgeries, pilonidal sinus excision etc.

He is a member of the breast section of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and a founding member of Breast Surgeons of Australia and New Zealand (BreastsurgANZ). He is the designated Surgeon at Breastscreen Ipswich service. He is a senior lecturer at university of Queensland and the academic supervisor in Surgery for Ipswich Clinical School. He participates in clinical trials and research related to breast cancer treatment.

Dr Iyer performs private work at Mater Private Hospital Springfield.

Practice location
Mater Health Hub, Springfield Mater Health Hub, Springfield95 Southern Cross CircuitSpringfield Central4300 QLD