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Dr Reuben Beer

Clinical Interests

General neurology, headache and migraine, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, neuroimmunology and neuropathy.


Dr Reuben Beer (BPharm, MBBS, FRACP) is a consultant neurologist at the Mater Hospital in Brisbane, Australia. Dr Beer completed a fellowship in multiple sclerosis and neuroimmunology at the Princess Alexandra Hospital and the Mater. He was a qualified pharmacist prior to completing his postgraduate degree in medicine at the University of Queensland. Dr Beer completed specialist neurology training in southeast Queensland.

Dr Beer is a currently undertaking a PhD examining advanced imaging characteristics in multiple sclerosis. He has published several peer-reviewed scientific articles on myasthenia gravis and antibody mediated neurological disorders. He has also presented research at national and international neurological conferences.

Dr Beer’s areas of interest include general neurology, multiple sclerosis, headache and migraine, myasthenia gravis, and immune mediated neurological disorders.

Practice location
Brisbane Neurology Suite 3, Level 3, Salmon Building537 Stanley StreetSouth Brisbane4104 QLD Get Directions