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Dr Rodrigo Tomazini Martins

07 3163 5944

07 3163 1722

Dr Rodrigo Tomazini Martins

Clinical Interests

Headaches, stroke and sleep disorders


Dr Rodrigo Tomazini Martins graduated as a Brazilian medical doctor in 2007. He gained experience as a generalist doctor before joining neurology training in 2010, also in Brazil. During his training, he developed neurology skills, with particular interest in the management of headaches, stroke and sleep disorders. Upon completion of his training, Dr Martins was recognised as neurologist by the Brazilian Academy of Neurology. 

Dr Martins was introduced to medical research during his training and first year as a neurology consultant; and collaborated with projects across different areas of neurology. His passion for research led him to Sydney – Australia in 2014 to pursue a PhD at UNSW/NeuRA with the thesis titled “The effects of Morphine on upper airway and respiratory physiology: implications for sleep and respiratory disease.” This project attracted several awards and prizes.

Dr Martins then completed 2 stroke fellowships (in Victoria and New South Wales) before he received FRACP in 2019. He has been working as consultant neurologist with interest in headaches and stroke medicine, appointed full time neurology specialist at the Mater Hospital Brisbane.

Practice location
Mater Neurosciences Centre Brisbane Salmon Building551 Stanley StreetSouth Brisbane4101 QLD Get Directions