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 Dr Steven Lun

Dr Steven Lun


Dr Steven Lun was the first comprehensively trained Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand urologist to commence practice in Townsville, both publicly at the Townsville University Hospital and at the Mater Private Townsville. He is a University of Queensland graduate, and completed post-graduate surgical training at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, Queen Elizabeth II Hospital, Cairns Base Hospital, Greenslopes Repatriation Hospital and the Royal Brisbane Hospital, along with many overseas study tours.

Dr Lun has been instrumental in introducing new technology to revolutionise urological care with ESWL stone treatments, Holmium laser surgery for calculi and urodynamics, and nerve-sparing radical prostatectomies. He founded the Townsville Brachytherapy Institute for prostatic carcinoma, and has been a forefront of the Da Vinci robotically-assisted surgery. Dr Lun also initiated prosthetic surgery such as the penile prosthesis and artificial urinary sphincters, having received proctoring from Dr David Ralph (London), Dr Dean Knoll (Nashville), Dr Brian Christine (Birmingham, Alabama), and Dr Josh Broghammer (Kansas City). His special interests include prostatic, bladder, and renal carcinomas, andrology with the implementation of penile prosthetic devices and artificial urinary sphincters, and microsurgical reconstructions following vasectomy.

Practice location
Townsville Urology 44 Fulham RoadPimlico4812 QLD