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Dr Tony Allworth

Clinical Interests

HIV, Hepatitis, infections in immunocompromised hosts, surgical and othopaedic infections, antimicrobial stewardship and outbreak response.


Dr Tony Allworth is an Infectious Diseases Physician and Microbiologist who trained in Sydney, Newcastle and Adelaide before moving to Brisbane in 1986. He has worked as Director Infectious Diseases, Infection Control, and Sexual Health & HIV Service at Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, and as a Visiting Medical Officer at a number of private hospitals in Brisbane.

He has an extensive experience in Infectious Diseases with particular interests in HIV, Hepatitis, infections in immunocompromised hosts, surgical and orthopaedic infections, antimicrobial stewardship and outbreak response.

He has been involved in Statewide and National planning for a number of potential and real incidents such as Pandemic Influenza and Ebola. He was deployed to Banda Aceh with Team Foxtrot following the boxing day tsunami. He is a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Most recently he has been a Clinical Visitor to the Mater Microbiology Laboratory, and is now a part-time Clinical Microbiologist at Mater Pathology.