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Dr Will Milford

SpecialtyObstetrics and Gynaecology
Delivers atMater Mothers' Private Brisbane
Birthing OptionsAntenatal midwifery care
On call group informationAn obstetrician from Kindred Midwifery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology will always be on hand to support Dr Milford's patients if Dr Milford is unavailable.

Will is a co-founding director of Kindred and is a practising obstetrician gynaecologist.

The rare privilege of being present and involved in a normal but special life event provided the inspiration for Will to practice obstetrics and gynaecology. He says that providing objective, high quality care in important moments makes long-lasting differences for families and is something that he does well and provides him with immense satisfaction.

Will has interests in caring for families with high-risk or complex pregnancies and has spent many years working in major maternity hospitals developing these skills.

Will’s specific interest is in managing pregnancies for families who have previously had life changing adverse outcomes such as stillbirth, recurrent or late miscarriage, fetal abnormalities or early preterm deliveries. Will believes that these women and families have specific needs and experience subsequent pregnancies differently. Delivering this care correctly is crucial for the future wellbeing of these families and is something he prides himself on doing well.

Will also provides general gynaecological services with an interest in minimally invasive surgery.

At Kindred Midwifery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology Will also works with a group of midwives to deliver a new, innovative private midwifery model of care. He supports a midwifery team that provides antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care with a focus on continuity and preparation for parenthood. Will is one of number of Kindred obstetricians who provide obstetric support to this exciting new model.

As part of Kindred, all of the families that Will cares for receive bespoke antenatal education and home postnatal visits for six weeks from Kindred Midwifery as part of routine care. Will works closely with Kindred Midwifery to ensure that individualised, continuous care by friendly clinicians continues well into the postnatal period.

Will continues to work in public hospitals where he is deeply involved in teaching medical students and training junior doctors in obstetrics and gynaecology. He also sits on a number of federal and state committees and takes part in setting standards and developing training programs for medical specialty training but also specifically for obstetrics and gynaecology.

Practice location
Kindred Midwifery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology 124 Wellington RoadEast Brisbane 4169 QLD