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Holly Woodhouse

Clinical Interests

Trauma and Stress Disorders (Acute and Complex PTSD), Personality Disorders, Anxiety, Depression, Attachment and Relationship issues. 


Holly Woodhouse is a Registered Psychologist with the Psychology Board of Australia and member of Australian Association of Psychologists. She completed an undergraduate of Behavioural Science at Queensland University of Technology, continuing to Honours studying Cognitive Psychology at Monash University, before graduating at Bond University with a Master of Professional Psychology.

Holly has a passion for private practice and has an interest in concerns associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Acute and Complex), Personality Disorders, and Neurodivergent Disorders. She assists patients in understanding the vital link between neurology and behaviour, aiming to address psychological concerns with a neuropsychotherapeutic approach. Additional to this, Holly has worked heavily within military health and currently delivers a group therapy six-week course for Veterans.

Holly recognises traumatic events can often be difficult to openly talk about, and therefore, her practice consists of a gradual and empathetic approach, guided by evidence-based interventions such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, Schema Therapy, Dialectal Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and other Psychotherapies


BA(BehSci)., GDPAdv(Cognitive). MProfPsych.

Practice location
Mater Emotional Health Unit Level 7, Salmon Building537 Stanley StreetSouth Brisbane4101 QLD Get Directions