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A/Prof Tony Huynh

Professional membershipsFRACP FRCPA
Clinical Interests

Chemical Pathology, Paediatric Endocrinology, General Paediatrics, with special interest in Paediatric biochemistry, Type 1 Diabetes


A/Professor Tony Huynh MBBS, PhD, FRACP, FRCPA, is a chemical pathologist and also Director of Endocrinology & Diabetes at the Queensland Children’s Hospital

He completed his medical degree at the University of Queensland, and received his FRACP for General Paediatrics and Paediatric Endocrinology while working at the Mater Children’s Hospital before it’s amalgamation with the Royal Children’s Hospital to form the Queensland Children’s Hospital.

On completion of his PhD (“Selective glucocorticoid receptor modulation in dystophic muscle”) at the Children’s National Children’s Hospital in Washington DC, he returned to the Mater to complete his Chemical Pathology training.