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Dr Alex Alexander

Professional membershipsMBBS (QLD), MSC, MHA, FRANZCOG
SpecialtyObstetrics and Gynaecology
Clinical Interests


Delivers atMater Mothers' Private Brisbane
Birthing OptionsPre-pregnancy planning and advice

Dr Alex Alexander is a specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology consulting from the Taylor Medical Centre in Woolloongabba, opposite the Mater Hospital campus.

After graduating from The University of Queensland, Dr Alexander completed his specialisation in obstetrics and gynaecology within hospitals throughout Queensland. He also completed a Masters in Health Administration and further studies in minimally-invasive keyhole surgery.

Dr Alexander’s special interests include general obstetrics, high-risk pregnancy, gynaecology including minimal invasive and keyhole surgery, menstrual disorders, cervical dysplasia (Pap smear abnormalities and treatment), infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss.

Practice location
MY OBGYN Taylor Medical Centre, Suite 16, Level 240 Annerley RoadSouth Brisbane4101 QLD