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Dr Alexa Bendall

Delivers atMater Mothers' Private Brisbane

"I am a compassionate obstetrician and Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist (MFM) and am dedicated to caring for women with low risk as well as high-risk, complex and multiple pregnancies” – Dr Alexa Bendall.

Dr Bendall provides tertiary level pregnancy ultrasound here at Maiden Health, including routine Nuchal Translucency and Morphology scans. In addition, she provides expert opinion in cases where complications have occurred or are at risk of occurring to you.

Her favourite thing is meeting the women she is caring for and their families. She loves being a part of their pregnancy journey, no matter how straight-forward or complicated that may be. She will share your highs and support you through any challenges you may face.

Dr Bendall understands how nerve-wracking pregnancy can be. She will communicate with you in an open and caring manner, and is dedicated to helping you stay calm throughout your pregnancy, delivery and post-natal recovery.

When Dr Bendall is not at work, she enjoys yoga, swimming and spending time her young family.

Practice location
Maiden Health Level 7, Watkins Medical Centre225 Wickham TerraceSpring Hill4000 QLD