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Dr Alexander Incani

SpecialtyCardiology, Cardiology: Interventional

Dr Alexander Incani is a highly accomplished interventional cardiologist practising at Mater Private Hospital Rockhampton. 

Dr Incani holds a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery from The University of Melbourne with first class honours and was dux of internal medicine in 2003. 

He started his interventional training at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Perth, working with the team who brought MitraClip to Australia, an implant that helps the mitral valve to close more completely. 

Dr Incani then moved to Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane to continue his coronary and structural interventional training before finishing in Vancouver under the supervision of Professor John Webb, pioneer of the Edwards transcatheter heart valve. 

He has received numerous meritorious awards, including a National Heart Foundation Research Scholarship, an Outstanding Achievement Award for his contribution to the cardiac catheter laboratory at Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane, The Interventional Fellows’ Prize ANZET and the CSL Biotherapies Award for interventional training. 


He is also a senior lecturer at The University of Queensland. 



Practice location
CVC CardioVascular Clinics Suite 1 Level 1 Cardiology & Oncology Building, Mater Private Rockhampton31 Ward StreetThe Range4700 QLD