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Dr Amelia Jardim

Clinical Interests

neuro-oncology, spinal surgery and complex craniofacial surgery.


Dr Amelia Jardim is a specialist Neurosurgeon with experience in both adult and paediatric surgery. Dr Jardim is a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, a member of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia and the Australian Paediatric Society.


Dr Jardim is committed to a philosophy of collaboration between patient and surgeon to achieve the best results. She maintains a warm, caring and approachable atmosphere in her practice and delivers personalised care, from the first consultation, through surgery and into the recovery period.

As part of her general neurosurgery practice, Dr Jardim has a particular interest in neuro-oncology, spinal surgery and complex craniofacial surgery.

She works at the Mater Private and Public Hospital, The Mater Private Children’s Hospital and the Queensland Children’s Hospital.

Practice location
Brisbane Clinical Neuroscience Centre Suite 1, Level 3 Salmon Building537 Stanley StreetSouth Brisbane4101 QLD Get Directions