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Dr Anand Natarajan

Professional membershipsMMBS MD FRCA DESAIC FFPMRCA
SpecialtyPain Medicine / Management
LanguagesEnglish and Tamil

Dr Anand Natarajan started his career as a consultant in anaesthesia in India after he had obtained a MD in the year 2000. He has been working for the NHS since 2002. He underwent training in various university hospitals including Manchester Royal Infirmary, Salford Royal Foundation Trust, University Hospital Aintree, Northwick Park Hospital and Walton Centre Liverpool. During this period, he acquired a Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetics, FRCA. Soon after he qualified and acquired the Diploma of the European society of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. Dr Anand Natarajan was the lead in pain medicine at the Wirral University Teaching Hospitals.

Dr Anand Natarajan is keenly interested and involved in academics and teaching. He started as a lecturer in anaesthetics in India, and at Wirral/University Teaching Hospitals was the supervisor of training in pain management. He led the pain training there which involved medical students, anaesthetic trainees and the fellowship for pain management program.

He has a strong interest in managing chronic pain including but not limited to lower back, spine pain, chronic post-surgical pain, shoulder and knee joint pain. He performs a number of diagnostic blocks often followed by radio frequency procedures along with spinal cord stimulation for indicated conditions. He treats acute and chronic cancer and ono cancer pain.




Practice location
Mater Medical Suites Mackay 76 Willetts RoadNorth Mackay4740 QLD Get Directions