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Dr Anu Kaur

Professional membershipsMBBS, FRANZCOG
SpecialtyGynaecology, Obstetrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Clinical Interests

High risk pregnancies , minimally invasive surgery, office gynaecology and colposcopy.

Delivers atMater Mothers' Private Brisbane
LanguagesPunjabi and Hindi
Birthing OptionsAntenatal midwifery care,Pre-pregnancy planning and advice, Supports vaginal birth after caesarean

“The best advice I would give a first-time mum, is trust your body, trust your instincts, trust in your own ability to be a great mum.” - Dr Anu Kaur

For Dr Anu Kaur there is no greater moment than handing a baby over to a parent, and this is why she believes that caring for women is her calling in life. Offering her services through Aurora Women’s Health, Dr Kaur also functions as a primary physician for many of her patients, offering continuity of care through all stages.

Offering individualised plans to suit each patient, Dr Kaur believes in ensuring her patients never feel rushed, that they have the opportunity to bring any concerns to their appointments, and that their concerns are listened to. By explaining things in detail and showing evidence-based information to parents, Dr Kaur works to help her patients make informed decisions and ensure all obvious risks are mitigated with proper planning.

With her husband and two children, Dr Kaur loves to spend time outdoors, going running or on bushwalks. Her children are now in their teens, but she still remembers when she felt foetal movements for the first time in her pregnancies, and she loves being part of this moment with her patients.

Practice location
Aurora Women's Health St Andrew's Place, Level 2,33 North StreetSpring Hill4000 QLD