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Dr Benjamin Adeyemi

Professional membershipsFFPMANZCA, FRACGP
SpecialtyPain Medicine / Management
Clinical Interests

Interventional Pain Management, Headache & orofacial pain, Spinal/MSK pain, Cancer pain


Dr Benjamin Adeyemi is a pain medicine specialist whose work in Queensland public hospitals allows him help to address critical gaps in pain management through research, advocacy and training future pain specialists.

He continues to work at the leading edge of pain management globally through a continuous education program centring on the latest evidence–based non–interventional and interventional pain management techniques.

Dr Adeyemi holds fellowships from the Faculty of Pain Medicine, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (FFPMANZCA) and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP). He completed his pain medicine training at the North Queensland Persistent Pain Management Service (NQPPMS) and was subsequently appointed as a staff specialist in pain medicine at Townsville University Hospital.

He is also a member of the Spine Intervention Society and the Neuromodulation Society of Australia and New Zealand. Dr Adeyemi works to improve access to high–quality, comprehensive, compassionate and innovative pain management for people living with chronic pain.

Outside of work, Dr Adeyemi enjoys walking, listening to music, (especially jazz and Afrobeat) playing chess and spending quality time with his family.

Practice location
Mater Private Hospital Bundaberg 313 Bourbong StreetBundaberg4670 QLD Get Directions