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Dr Bhuvana Srinivasan

Professional membershipsFRCPA, UROCC
Clinical Interests

Breast pathology and Urological Pathology


Dr Bhuvana Srinivasan MBBS, MD, FRCPA is a senior Anatomic Pathologist with Mater Pathology.  Bhuvana has trained and worked at the Norman Institute of Pathology, the Christian Medical College and Hospital in Vellore, South India, which was set up by Australian missionary pathologists. She joined Mater Pathology in 2004; re trained and obtained her fellowship in Queensland. She has been practising pathology full time for the past 19 years, and immensely enjoys being part of the Mater Pathology team.

She has a special interest in urologic and breast pathology; cherishing the collaboration with the urology and breast clinical teams. She is a member of UROCC, the Mater Urologic Oncology Collective, and collaborates with the prostate and bone pathology research teams at UQ-TRI. She has trained at the Breast Pathology unit of Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital, Boston.

Bhuvana is passionate about teaching and mentoring pathology trainees and medical students.
She is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Medicine (Molecular-Cellular Pathology), The University of Queensland and is a member of the AMA Queensland branch as well as the International Society of Urologic Pathologists (ISUP).