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Dr Isabel McLean

Clinical Interests

Cataract extraction and intraocular lens implant, pterygium excision and conjunctival autograft, glaucoma surgery, adult squint repair, lid surgery, injections for macular degeneration and diabetic macular edema (including eylea, lucentis, avastin and ozurdex), retinal laser for diabetic retinopathy, laser treatments for glaucoma, therapeutic botox injections.


Dr Isabel McLean is an experienced ophthalmologist who provides a comprehensive ophthalmology service at the Bundaberg Eye Clinic.

Before training in ophthalmology Dr McLean spent over 10 years in medical practise as a general practitioner.

She completed her training for ophthalmology at the Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital and Royal North Shore Hospital.

  • MBBS
Practice location
Bundaberg Eye Clinic 302 Bourbong StreetBundaberg4670 QLD Get Directions