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Dr Jaya Judd


Jaya works with children, young adults and their families.  She has experience helping people struggling with issues such as, depression, anxiety, traumatic life experiences, grief and loss, life transitions and major life stressors.

Jaya uses an empathic and collaborative approach aimed at helping clients achieve their goals and create meaningful change.  She utilizes evidence-based interventions including cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness-based therapies, acceptance and commitment therapy, behavioural parenting interventions (Triple P) and attachment-based parenting interventions (Circle of Security).

Jaya has experience working in school settings, community child and youth mental health services and hospital services (chronic pain).  

In addition to her clinical work, Jaya teaches at the University of Queensland, School of Medicine, in the Masters of Mental Health Program on topics related to cognitive behaviour therapies, mindfulness-based therapies and mental health practice.

Jaya is an Endorsed Clinical Psychologist registered with Medicare and is a Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society and the APS College of Clinical Psychologists.

Practice location
Mater Emotional Health Unit Level 7, Salmon Building537 Stanley StreetSouth Brisbane4101 QLD Get Directions