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Dr Jennifer Thoreau

SpecialtyCardiology, Cardiology: Interventional

Dr. Jennifer Thoreau is a general cardiologist who has subspecialty training in adult congenital heart disease and a particular interest in cardiac imaging. Dr Thoreau was raised in Townsville and obtained her medical degree from James Cook University (JCU).

Following JCU, she completed her medical and cardiology training in various hospitals in Brisbane and Cairns.

After finishing her cardiology training, Dr. Thoreau pursued subspecialty training in adult congenital heart disease at The Royal Brompton Hospital in London, renowned for its expertise in cardiac care. Dr Thoreau gained valuable experience and knowledge in managing congenital heart conditions in adult patients during her time there. Additionally, she underwent a further year of fellowship at the Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane.

Dr. Thoreau is dedicated to bringing specialised care to adults who were born with congenital heart disease in the North Queensland region. Her focus is on ensuring that individuals with congenital heart conditions receive the necessary expertise and attention locally, without the need to travel long distances.

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