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Dr Jim McGill

Professional membershipsFRACP, FRCPA
Clinical Interests

Inborn errors of metabolism, Biochemical Genetics


Dr Jim McGill MBBS(Hons), FRACP, FRCPA, HGSA Certified Clinical Geneticist graduated from the University of Queensland in 1977 and trained in paediatrics at Royal Children's Hospitals in Brisbane and Melbourne then clinical genetics and metabolic medicine in Royal Children's Hospital and Murdoch Institute in Melbourne and Montreal Children's Hospital in Canada.

Jim has more than 30 years' experience as a clinical metabolic specialist and laboratory clinical liaison specialist. He is a popular national and intenational speaker and has authored over 70 publications on clinical genetics and metabolic medicine in peer reviewed journals.

He completed his training in the relatively new subspeciality of Biochemical Genetics Pathology in 2010 and works part-time for Mater Pathology whilst continuing clinical practice at Queensland Children's Hospital(formerly Lady Cilento Children's Hospital) and Mater Young Adult Health Centre Brisbane.