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Dr Kate Hogden

Professional membershipsBSc, MBBS, FRANZCO
Clinical Interests

Dr Kate Hogden practices comprehensive Ophthalmology with sub-specialty interests in glaucoma and cataract surgery.

Dr Hogden completed her Medical degree at the University of Queensland before moving to Sydney to undertake Ophthalmology training at the Sydney Eye Hospital.  She then completed subspecialty training in Glaucoma at the surgically renowned University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada for which she was awarded a RANZCO Topham Scholarship.  Whilst at UBC, Dr Hogden also spent time with the prestigious Vitreoretinal department gaining invaluable medical and surgical retina experience.

Dr Hogden performs various glaucoma laser procedures as well as traditional glaucoma surgeries (including trabeculectomy and glaucoma drainage devices).  She also has a special interest in minimally invasive glaucoma surgeries (MIGS).

Dr Hogden holds a public appointment at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and is involved in Registrar teaching.  She is actively involved in ongoing clinical research and has presented at a number of Australian and international Ophthalmology conferences. 

Having been raised in North Queensland and having family in Rockhampton, Dr Hogden enjoys the opportunity to work along-side Dr Anil Sharma at Rockhampton Eye Clinic

Practice location
Rockhampton Eye Clinic Suite 2, Kenmore BuildingMater Hospital, 31 Ward StreetThe Range4700 QLD