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Dr Levi Morse

Professional membershipsRACS
SpecialtyOrthopaedic Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery: Lower Limb, Orthopaedic Surgery: Upper Limb
Clinical Interests
  • Sports injuries 
  • Upper and lower limb arthoplasty

Dr Levi Morse is a proud North Queensland local, having completed his secondary schooling in Townsville. He is an Orthopaedic Surgeon managing sports injuries and upper and lower limb arthroplasty. His sub-specialialty interests include arthroplasty (hip, knee and shoulder) and upper limb surgery (surgery of the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand).

Dr Morse has advanced fellowship training in upper limb surgery and has published extensively in this field. He completed his advanced Orthopaedic Training in Adelaide, Australia, and subsequently undertook a fellowship in upper limb surgery in Bristol, UK. Dr Morse has also travelled extensively throughout Europe and the United States to undertake further training and work with numerous internationally renowned surgeons.

Dr Morse regularly manages sports injuries and is the dedicated Shoulder / Upper Limb surgeon for the
North Queensland Cowboys and the Townsville Blackhawks rugby league teams.

Dr Morse now shares his extensive knowledge and experience to teach other Orthopaedic Surgeons. He is the Director of Training for the Australian Orthopaedic Association at the Townsville University Hospital. He regularly teaches and lectures nationally and internationally and hosts visiting Orthopaedic Surgeons within his operating theatre.

  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) 2001
  • Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (Honours) 2007
  • Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 2016
Practice location
Morse Orthopaedics 1/52 Fulham RoadPimlico4812 QLD