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Dr Malcolm Linsell

Professional membershipsRACS
SpecialtyPlastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Clinical Interests

Plastic and reconstructive surgeon, primary expertise cosmetic and skin cancer surgery


Dr Malcom Linsell has almost 30 years’ experience as a Plastic Surgeon. He commenced his medical career at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, receiving a broad base of early surgical training in general surgery, obstetrics, gynaecology and vascular surgery.

Dr Linsell then trained for two years at the Victorian Plastic Surgical Unit, based at the Preston and Northcote Community Hospital, watching and learning from some of Australia’s finest plastic surgeons. The next two years were spent performing microsurgery on rats as part of a research project for which he was awarded a Masters of Surgery (MS). As a Plastic Surgery Senior Registrar, he then worked in London at both St Thomas’s Hospital and Mt Vernon Hospital, before returning home and gaining his Australian surgical qualifications as a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS) in Plastic Surgery.

He commenced private practice in Melbourne in 1991 and now consults and operates in Melbourne, Sydney, Cairns and Rockhampton. His primary expertise is in cosmetic surgery, particularly restoring a mother’s post pregnancy body through breast and body contouring surgery, and also in the management of skin cancer, particularly of the face.

He aims to provide a personalised, boutique plastic surgical service, focusing on attaining the result his patients desire.

He first consulted and operated in Rockhampton in 2006 and because he loves the down-to-earth, genuineness of his patients, plans to be around, doing what he loves, for many years into the future.

  • BSc
  • MBBS
  • MS
Practice location
Kenmore Medical Centre, Suite 5 31 Ward StreetRockhampton4700 QLD Get Directions