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Dr Mark Hendricks

07 4931 3565

07 4931 3585

Dr Mark Hendricks

SpecialtyGeneral Medicine
Clinical Interests

hypertension, diabetes, immunology, connective tissue disorders and allergology (asthma).


Dr Hendricks is a Specialist Physician (Internal Medicine) and moved to Rockhampton from South Africa in 2009. He has been in private practice for many years and maintains an interest in all aspects of general internal medicine practice, including hypertension, diabetes, all aspects of immunology including connective tissue disorders and allergology including asthma.


BSc, MB ChB (Cape Town), FCP (South Africa), FRACP.

Practice location
Mater Specialist Outpatients Centre, Rockhampton, Suite 4 46 Jessie StreetRockhampton4700 QLD