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Dr Nimithri Cabraal

SpecialtyGynaecologic Oncology, Gynaecology
Clinical Interests

Minimally invasive surgery, cervical/vulval dysplasia, gynaecological cancer and abnormal placenta


Dr Nimithri (Nim) Cabraal is a Gynaecological Oncologist specialising in the management of women with confirmed or suspected gynaecological malignancy and complex benign gynaecology.

Dr Cabraal trained in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Auckland, New Zealand where she held a position as Chief Resident at Auckland City Hospital in 2014. She received her Fellowship of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in 2016. She was also awarded at Certification in Gynaecological Oncology (CGO) in 2018 after a further 3 year sub-specialisation training at John Hunter Hospital (Newcastle, NSW), the Gold University Hospital (Gold Coast, QLD) and Auckland City Hospital (Auckland, NZ).

Dr Cabraal is a Staff Specialist in Gynaecological Oncology at Mater Hospital Brisbane and is a member of Queensland Centre for Gynaecological Cancer Research (QCGC). Her current research interests include fertility preserving approaches in young women with endometrial cancer and molecular testing of endometrial cancers. She also holds a Master’s degree in International Health Policy/Health Economics from the London School of Economics and is involved in a number of quality improvement projects at the Mater Hospital including the recent development of state-wide Guidelines for the Surveillance of Gynaecological Malignancies.

Dr Cabraal is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Queensland; and is involved with the medical student teaching and examination program. She also is involved in training both General Gynaecology and sub-speciality Gynaecological Oncology trainees that rotate through the Gynaecological Oncology service at Mater Hospital.

Dr Cabraal has advanced skills in open, laparoscopic and robotic pelvic and abdominal surgery for a range of malignant and benign gynaecological conditions. She is dedicated to the holistic care of all women from diagnosis, through surgery and post treatment care/survivorship.

Dr Cabraal conducts private practice at Mater Private Hospital Brisbane and consults at the Gynaecology and Oncology Group based at Mater Medical Centre in South Brisbane.

Practice location
GYON Gynaecology and Oncology Group Mater Medical Centre, Suite 6, Level 7293 Vulture StreetSouth Brisbane4101 QLD