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Dr Rob Butler

Professional membershipsMBBS FRANZCOG
SpecialtyObstetrics and Gynaecology
Clinical Interests

Obstetrics, difficult and complex pregnancies, caesarean section, endometriosis, pelvic pain, abnormal periods, fibroids and menstrual disorders.

Delivers atMater Mothers' Private Brisbane
Birthing OptionsAntenatal midwifery care,Pre-pregnancy planning and advice, Supports vaginal birth after caesarean
On call group informationDr Butler has 24 hour on call cover through Eve Health for all pregnant women under his care during the week, and on weekends via a rotational weekend roster. If he is unavailable, the on call doctor who will continue your care will have access to your clinical records and an understanding of your plans for birth. Eve Health is proud to share that 96% of women* have their chosen obstetrician at their baby’s birth. *Based on deliveries by Eve Health obstetricians July 2016-June 2017.

“Navigating this emotional and physical rollercoaster goes to the heart of our speciality, and at the core of everything is the connection with amazing women and their families – in this way obstetrics is so much more than a medical speciality and I feel privileged every day to be part of that journey.” - Dr Rob Butler

Dr Rob Butler has been working as an obstetrician for the last 15 years, and during this time has worked and trained in many tertiary maternity hospitals. At his practice, Eve Health, Dr Butler provides care to both low and high risk obstetrics, supports all birthing options, and believes that the incredible staff, patient support, resources and emergency facilities available at Mater Mothers' Private Brisbane offer his patients the best birthing environment.

With an almost exclusive focus on obstetrics - preconception, pregnancy and birth - Dr Butler is passionate about delivering a high level of continuity and attention to detail to all of his patients, with the goal to achieve the safest and best possible outcome each and every time.

With three children of his own, Dr Butler knows that the journey of pregnancy and birth is a personal one, and through a personal and relaxed approach, he encourages his patients to enjoy their experience, ask questions and be curious, engaged and in control of their own journey.

Practice location
Eve Health Spring Hill Level 1, Boundary Court55 Little Edward StreetSpring Hill4000 QLD