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Dr Robert (Bob) Anderson

Professional membershipsMBChB BMedSc PhD FRACP AGAF
Clinical Interests

Coeliac disease, gluten-related conditions including irritable bowel syndrome, immune diseases of the gut.


Dr Robert Anderson is a Gastroenterologist with a special interest in coeliac disease, gluten-related disorders, and immune diseases of the gut.  He is a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, and American Gastroenterological Association, and a member of the Gastroenterological Society of Australia, and American Association for Advancement of Science. Dr Anderson is a member of the medical advisory committee of Coeliac Australia. Dr Anderson is an international leader in designing and developing new treatments and diagnostic tests for coeliac disease. His work has been published in high profile scientific and clinical research journals, and he is a regular speaker at international scientific and medical meetings.  
 Dr Anderson graduated in medicine at the University of Otago in New Zealand with BMedSc in 1985, MB ChB in 1986, and PhD in 1993. He had specialist clinical training in general medicine and gastroenterology at The Royal Melbourne Hospital, St Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne, and John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford UK. He has practiced as a specialist in gastroenterology at the John Radcliffe Hospital, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, and Alfred Hospital in Melbourne. He has led research and development programs in coeliac disease as a post-doctoral scientist at Oxford University, Laboratory Head at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Melbourne, and as Chief Scientific Officer in biopharma companies in Melbourne and Cambridge, Massachusetts. 

Practice location
Mackay Hospital and Health Service 475 Bridge RoadMackay 4741 QLD