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Dr Robyn Aldridge

Professional membershipsMBCHB FRANZCOG
SpecialtyObstetrics and Gynaecology
Clinical Interests

Obstetrics, caesarean section, intrauterine device placement, menstrual disorders

Delivers atMater Mothers' Private Brisbane
Birthing OptionsAntenatal midwifery care,Pre-pregnancy planning and advice, Supports vaginal birth after caesarean
On call group informationDr Aldridge has 24 hour on call cover through Eve Health for all pregnant women under her care during the week, and on weekends via a rotational weekend roster. If she is unavailable, the on call doctor who will continue your care will have access to your clinical records and an understanding of your plans for birth. Eve Health is proud to share that 96% of women* have their chosen obstetrician at their baby’s birth. *Based on deliveries by Eve Health obstetricians July 2016-June 2017

“I believe in helping women make the best decisions about their care, using medical evidence where it is available, providing my support and experience when needed.” - Dr Robyn Aldridge

Dr Robyn Aldridge believes in choice when it comes to pregnancy care and delivery, and she encourages her patients to keep an open mind and to be prepared for anything when the time comes for their baby to be born. For Dr Aldridge, birth is all about making the best decisions for  both the mother and the baby.

Practicing through Eve Health, Dr Aldridge offers obstetric care for her patients during the week, and on weekends via a rotational roster with her colleagues. This means she gets some downtime with her two busy boys, knowing that if she is unavailable, her patients still receive the same high level of care.

Dr Aldridge understands a woman is placing their trust in her when they ask her to care for them and their family. And that is why it is such an honour for her to be invited into a family’s life during this special this time. 

Practice location
Eve Health Spring Hill Level 1, Boundary Court55 Little Edward StreetSpring Hill4000 QLD