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Dr Simon Donald

Professional membershipsFellow - Royal Australian College of Surgeons. Fellow - Australian Orthopaedic Association
SpecialtyOrthopaedic Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery: Lower Limb, Orthopaedic Surgery: Upper Limb
Clinical Interests

Shoulder, hip and knee replacement; upper limb surgery; upper and lower limb trauma and post-traumatic reconstruction


Dr Simon Donald is an Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising in adult upper limb surgery with a particular interest in shoulder replacement, hip and knee replacement, and adult and paediatric trauma of the upper and lower limbs, and post-traumatic reconstruction.

Dr Donald undertook medical training at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland from 1999 to 2004 and completed his basic surgical training in the United Kingdom before migrating to Australia in August 2007. Having initially worked in Bundaberg, Simon undertook orthopaedic training in NSW, being awarded his Orthopaedic Surgery fellowships in February 2018.

He undertook further sub-specialty training in Sydney, completing his shoulder and elbow fellowship with Drs Jeff Hughes, Ben Cass and Allan Young at the Sydney Shoulder Institute prior to undertaking his trauma fellowship at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.

Dr Donald started practice as an orthopaedic specialist surgeon at Bundaberg Hospital in 2020.

He uses advanced techniques such as pre-operative computer planning and patient-specific guides for his shoulder replacements, and computer navigated patient-specific alignment total knee replacements to ensure the best possible patient outcomes. 


MBChB, FRACS, FAOrthA, MS(Ortho)

Practice location
Mater Private Hospital Bundaberg 313 Bourbong StreetBundaberg4670 QLD Get Directions