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Dr Stephen Cox

SpecialtyCardiology, Cardiology: Interventional
Clinical Interests

General and interventional cardiology


Dr Stephen Cox is a cardiologist with a keen interest in structural heart disease and the care and treatment of acute coronary syndrome at Mater Private Hospital Rockhampton. 

Dr Cox holds a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery from The University of Queensland. 

He completed his cardiology training in Brisbane and spent two years in Boston in the United States developing interventional cardiology skills. 

He has expertise in cardiac catheterisation, including acute infarct angioplasty and elective stenting 

Dr Cox is also experienced in the treatment of structural heart defects including patent foramen ovale, atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect and post-surgery paravalvular leaks. 



Practice location
Mater Private Hospital Rockhampton Ward StreetRockhampton4700 QLD Get Directions