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Dr Stephen Pavia

Professional membershipsRACP, CSANZ
Clinical Interests

Arrhythmias/electrophysiology and cardiac device implant remote monitoring 


Dr Stephen Pavia is a highly electrophysiologist with expertise with experience in areas including ablation and cardiac device implantation practising at Mater Private Hospital Rockhampton. 

Dr Pavia also has special interests in remote monitoring of cardiac implantable devices and the diagnosis and management of syncope (commonly known as blackouts or fainting). 

He uses the latest in diagnostic and remote monitoring technology, to help detect and promptly treat potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias, leading to positive clinical outcomes. 

Dr Pavia is a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. 

He completed his cardiology training at Townsville University, Princess Alexandra, Prince Charles and Royal Brisbane hospitals. 

Dr Pavia’s post graduate fellowship training in cardiac electrophysiology and pacing was completed at the Cleveland Clinic in the United States. 



Practice location
Mater Private Hospital Rockhampton Ward StreetRockhampton4700 QLD Get Directions