Staged development approach and timeframes

Planning Pathway

Given Mater’s continued commitment to community healthcare, Mater aims to apply to the Queensland Minister for Planning for a Ministerial Infrastructure Designation (MID) for the development of Mater Hill.

In Queensland, community-supporting infrastructure required for the benefit of the community may be granted a designation under the Planning Act 2016. If granted, this designation would mean that hospitals, healthcare, residential care facilities, education and auxiliary services would be accepted development on the Mater Hill site.

The proposed designation area (Mater Hill) is shown on the map below.

Community benefit of a MID

The community can benefit from the higher level, whole of government assessment of a development proposal through an MID. It provides an opportunity for the community to comment on Mater’s longer term development plans and sufficient flexibility for Mater to quickly respond to changing health care needs over time.

Mater MID timeline

The expected timing of the MID process is shown in the following timeline.

Planning approval approach 

In consideration of Mater’s continued commitment to community healthcare, Mater aims to apply to the Queensland Minister for Planning for a Ministerial Infrastructure Designation (MID) for the development of Mater Hill.

In Queensland, infrastructure required for the benefit of the community may be granted a designation under the Planning Act 2016.  That means, an area of land (such as Mater Hill) may be designated as an ‘accepted development’ to build  specific community services infrastructure.

Mater aims to request a designation to build hospitals, healthcare, residential care, education and auxiliary services on the Mater Hill site.  The proposed designation area (Mater Hill Precinct) is shown on the map below.

Benefit of MID for the community 

The community can benefit from the higher level, whole of government assessment of a development proposal through an MID. The MID process also provides an opportunity for the community to comment on Mater’s longer-term development plans. The most significant benefit for the community is health related; with the process enabling Mater to more quickly respond to changing health care needs of the community – as the communities needs change.

MID timeline

Further details about the MID process are available on the Queensland Government website.